Flint’s Ongoing Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion in South Africa

BBB-EE Recertification

Flint is proud to announce that Flint South Africa has renewed its Level 1 BBB-EE certification status (Broad-based black economic empowerment).

 This is a fantastic achievement with Level 1 being the highest of the 7 levels set out in the BBE certification programme.

Flint South Africa’s Managing Director, Martin Camp continues to prioritise diversity and inclusion and has been working tirelessly to ensure the demanding standards set by the BBB-EE programme are met now and continue to be achieved in the future.

This certification confirms the company’s long-term commitment to business excellence, workforce diversity, local economic development and providing opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds.

 “The business environment in South Africa is somewhat different to that of many of the other regions in which Flint International operates. Whilst we do need to ensure we adhere to the BB-EEE standards to trade, I also have a personal passion associated with diversity, inclusion and giving back to the people of the region that drives me to go several steps further. We make investments in South Africa to help individuals who are in need and make sure they have free access to fundamental human rights like education and employment opportunities,” states Martin Camp – MD Flint South Africa.

Giving Back to the Local Community

Education is of the utmost importance to ensuring a prosperous future, full of opportunities, without borders or boundaries on what can be accomplished.

“To help promote education across South Africa, Flint SA contributes towards school fees and books each year in a programme that supports black school education. We provide additional funding for disabled black engineers to help further their careers within the IT sector in which Flint has been operating since 1999. Our special focus is on supporting local female engineering societies which help develop engineers of the future down here in South Africa.”



Lastly, the way we have structured the company means that when our company is successful, our team down here is able to share in that success. To make this a reality, we established an Employee Equity Fund. Additionally, we think that this strategy influences investment choices in our neighbourhood because of the close connections that our structure fosters,” continues Martin.

Neil Burbidge, the CEO of Flint International has spent several years working in Africa and has taken a personal interest in the initiatives that Martin has been driving.

“I have always enjoyed exploring new countries and regions with Flint as we have developed our business to support our large global business partners. After having lived in Africa for several years whilst working in the telecoms market, I have a very good understanding of the challenges that are being faced and believe the initiatives that Martin and the team are driving are absolutely critical. In addition to the areas mentioned above, I have also been delighted to see the re-investment that has been made in the Flint internship programme, funding the development of the engineers that are new to the industry, as well as the investment in local start-up companies showing how the Flint SA team are actively giving back to the community,” says Neil.

About Flint’s South Africa

The Flint SA team collaborates locally to deliver significant projects to regional industries while working with a small number of the largest ICT vendors in the globe.

These projects include new and evolving Data Centers with new technologies such as ACI being part of these solutions.

Flint SA, in partnership with one of our key business partners, has been instrumental in supporting the 5G country transformation project providing connectivity and IoT capability across the country.

This combined with our growing and locally sourced software development teams focusing on FSO, DevNet and DevOps is once again showing the value of Flint investing in the South African economy.

Main areas of expertise

  • FSO (Full Stack Observability)
  • SDN and DevNet and DNA
  • Core/Edge Network Optimisation – 5G
  • Data Center, Cloud Networking and UCS
  • Network Migration for Service Providers and Enterprises
  • Optical Networking – core and edge
  • Program and Project Management for ICT networking
    • PMI and Prince2 Project Management skills
    • Agile & traditional Waterfall Project Management methodologies

We are not just a highly skilled team of technical experts; we are much more than that.

Get in touch, we are looking forward to hearing from you!



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